Business, Technology

Jumia establishes more order points to expands its presence in Uganda

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In its path to profitability 2021 Jumia Uganda continues to grow by expanding the Jumia Force program through establishing agent order points in different parts of the country. The Online African ecommerce giant aims at partnering with small already established businesses like Mobile money points, Agency banking agents and other small scale businesses that handle physical traffic (people visiting to transact with their businesses) This is aimed at easing online shopping through Jumia, boosting ecommerce and providing employment opportunities to Ugandans passionate at exploring the sector.

Once one signs up for an order point; their role is to place orders on behalf of their customers and earn commissions on each purchase made and delivered successfully.

Sales can be defined as operations and activities involved in promoting and selling goods or services. This is exactly what you do when you join Jumia’s sales team as a JForce agent.

In this article, we shall discuss what exactly JForce is, what the benefits of joining are, how to join and how it works.

What is JForce?

JForce is a program run by Jumia that allows individuals to earn commission by assisting customers to place orders on the eCommerce platform. As a JForce agent, you earn a commission depending on the number of sales you do per month and the type of items you are assisting to sell.

Join Jumia JForce: Benefits

First of all, any individual can sign up for the JForce program and go ahead to assist people to make sales on Jumia. So what are the benefits of joining the program?

  1. You Earn Money: The most obvious reason why you might want to sign up for the program is to make money. You make commissions selling items supplied by Jumia. The paym

   One advantage is that Jumia will still reward you commission even though you are shopping for yourself. There is also zero capital needed to start, making it a great way to start earning money easily.


  1. You are your own boss: As a JForce agent, you have complete freedom and control over your activities on Jumia. You can choose to work from anywhere, control how much time you want to work and how much money you want to make.


  2. Training: Jumia organizes occasional training for the JForce agents. This training provides you with excellent knowledge and skills that can empower you as a business person
Jumia agent

How to become a JForce Agent

To join the Jumia JForce program, you can contact Jumia through their official social media channels or contact the One of the pioneer Jumia Force sales consultant Stephen Tugume directly on +256752996276 (Call or whatsapp)

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